Eating Disorder Dietitian


When it comes to recovery, an Eating Disorder Dietitian can play a crucial role. In this blog, we will explore what defines an Eating Disorder Dietitian, the distinctions between a dietitian and a nutritionist, the responsibilities of an ED dietitian, and how you can benefit from their expertise. We’ll also discuss how to find the right ED dietitian for you, ensuring they are a specialist, they possess additional training, align with your values, and are someone you are able to foster a positive relationship with.


What is an Eating Disorder Dietitian?


An Eating Disorder Dietitian is a registered dietitian with specialised training in addressing disordered eating patterns and supporting individuals on their journey towards eating disorder recovery. They are specialised in this area, receive frequent training and keep up to date with the changing scientific evidence.


The Difference Between Dietitians and Nutritionists


While the terms “dietitian” and “nutritionist” are often used interchangeably, it’s essential to understand the distinction.


A dietitian is a regulated healthcare professional with a recognised and legally protected qualification, ensuring that they meet rigorous standards. Nutritionists, on the other hand, may not hold specific qualifications, because anyone can call themselves a nutritionist. This means it is often a lot safer to choose to see a dietitian so you can trust that the professional is qualified and regulated to work in this area.


For further information on the difference you can read this great article by University College London.


What Does an Eating Disorder Dietitian Do?


An Eating Disorder Dietitian supports individuals with various eating disorders, such as Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia Nervosa, Binge Eating Disorder, and Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (ARFID).

Their role involves working as part of a treatment team, providing nutrition education, creating personalised meal plans, offering encouragement and motivation, and addressing physical health factors such as supporting with gut symptoms.


Would I Benefit from Seeing an ED Dietitian?


If you or your loved one is navigating eating disorder recovery or experiencing disordered eating patterns, consulting with an ED dietitian can be immensely beneficial. They can offer support to help you nourish yourself better, helping individuals build a healthier relationship with food and supporting overall mental health.


How to Find a Good ED Dietitian


Choosing the right Eating Disorder Dietitian is crucial for successful recovery.


Look for a dietitian who is a specialist in eating disorders and only works in this area or works as a mental health dietitian. Avoid practitioners who see a wide host of health conditions, as they will have less experience than those who are specialised.


Look for a dietitian with additional training in eating disorders, who receives regular clinical supervision. Ensure their values align with yours and that you feel comfortable building a strong therapeutic relationship with them. This collaboration is essential for fostering trust and aiding the healing process.



  • They are a specialist in eating disorders and only work in this area.
  • They receive regular clinical supervision.
  • They have done additional training for example in body image work or behaviour change.
  • They feel approachable and someone you can work with.
  • Their values align with yours.




In summary, an Eating Disorder Dietitian is a registered dietitian specialised in guiding individuals towards nourishment and healing in the context of disordered eating. Choosing a qualified professional is crucial for achieving positive outcomes in your journey towards a healthier relationship with food. Seek someone with expertise, ongoing training, shared values, and the ability to build a strong therapeutic relationship. Your path to recovery starts with the right support.


Take the First Step

If you’re struggling with a disordered relationship with food and exercise, know that you don’t have to face it alone. Professional support is crucial for your journey towards recovery.

As an eating disorder dietitian, I provide personalised guidance and support to help individuals like you establish a healthy relationship with food and exercise.

You can book a free call with me below or get in touch with me here.

Sophie x
